GYMNOCALYCIUM schickendantzii NICE SILVER BODY FORM /KFF 1319 Chilecito I. / Chilecito to Famatina road, in left and raight side from plains into rocks, hill with white cross / alt. 1089 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/15
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GYMNOCALYCIUM schickendantzii NICE SILVER BODY FORM /KFF 1319 Chilecito I. / Chilecito to Famatina road, in left and raight side from plains into rocks, hill with white cross / alt. 1089 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/15
Do you have any questions about GYMNOCALYCIUM schickendantzii NICE SILVER BODY FORM /KFF 1319 Chilecito I. / Chilecito to Famatina road, in left and raight side from plains into rocks, hill with white cross / alt. 1089 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/15?
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