EPITHELANTHA unguispina NICE TYPICAL BLACK SPINED FORM /LAU 1022 Monterrey alt. 1200 m,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 10s/48
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EPITHELANTHA unguispina ( Boed. ) D.Donati & Zanov. Piante Grasse 30(4): 186. 2010 [Oct-Dec 2010] NICE TYPICAL BLACK SPINED FORM/the stem is globular,up to 6 cm,often clumping over time,it also differs in that it generally has a small projecting black-tipped central spine,4-5mm long,while the 18-24 radials are white and flattened,2mm long,old authentic botanical material from Brno City Comunal Nursery/LAU 1022 Monterrey alt. 1200 m,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 10s/48Kc
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